Ask Liz: Local Gas Taxes

What are we paying in taxes for gas in Maryland, Virginia and D.C.? The American Petroleum Institute helped us with this answer:

  • In every state, a federal tax is applied to gasoline purchases. This federal tax is 18.4 cents per gallon.
  • Then, each state adds an additional tax on top of that.
  • In Maryland, there is a 23.5 cents per gallon state tax bringing the total tax to about 42 cents per gallon D.C. has the same gas tax as Maryland.
  • In Virginia, there’s a 19.7 cents per gallon state tax and the total tax is about 38 cents per gallon.
  • By comparison, the national gas tax average is about 48 cents per gallon. This means we are still paying less than most of the rest of the country.

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