Corporations Could Save Metro … and Your Money

Other transit systems turn to corporations for help

Metro recently called on riders to give feedback on how the system should close in on a $40 million budget gap.   They have suggested proposals like fewer trains and bus routes -- along with higher fees.

Ultimately, this could mean riders would end up in crowded trains and buses for a higher-priced fare.

Well, how about sparing the rider and going straight to The Man? The Chicago Transit Authority could be a great example. 

It is researching the idea of selling corporate naming rights to its stations, according to The Consumerist.

So how would this work in the District?

Maybe you could get on the Ben's Chili Bowl stop, transfer to the Red Line at the Verizon Wireless stop and stay on that until you get to the Jimmy Choo station.

How many times would you ride this route if it came with a bowl of chili, some free (powerful) wi-fi and a pair of Jimmy Choos?  If only we lived in such a world...

Here is another idea: turn corporate naming rights into political naming rights.

Take the "Obama 2012" train to the "Colbert Nation" station, then transfer on the "Palin for Prez" train and arrive at the "Scott Brown in '12" station.

Wouldn't it behoove candidates to give back to the transit system belonging to their potential place of employment?  Or would a crash on the "Cheney-Gingrich" line put a damper on a political run?

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