27 First Responders Get Double Doses of Swine Flu Vaccine

None sick after getting over-vaccinated

WASHINGTON -- More than two dozen first responders are being monitored after getting double doses of the swine flu vaccine, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty and D.C. Department of Health Director Pierre Vigilance confirmed Friday.

Health care workers and emergency medical responders are among the first to get the H1N1 vaccine, and 27 of them were mistakenly given the children's dosage AT A Wednesday. That's twice the amount a healthy adult should get.

The firefighters and police officers who got the double doses were asked to return for a medical evaluation.

"None of those individuals have had any problems as a result of that," Vigilance said. "They've all been under surveillance. They've been kept in close contact, and this information has been shared with the appropriate parties in the federal government."

D.C. Fire and EMS paramedics are authorized to give the shots to emergency care workers.

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