National Nutrition Month: Put Your Health & Wellness First

March is National Nutrition Month!

Each year, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics introduces a campaign to promote healthy living and proper eating to decrease the incidence of chronic diseases and help Americans make good decisions about their health.

The theme for 2016 is "savor the flavor of eating right," and the academy is offering up ways you can encourage yourself, your friends and your family to enjoy healthy foods.

Here are a few tips for healthy -- but not boring -- eating:

Snack health

Have healthy, low-calorie snacks around the house for kids when they come home from school. Involve your kids in grocery shopping and meal planning. By having kids pick out their favorite produce, they'll be more likely to enjoy healthy eating. 

Encourage family mealtime

The work week can be hectic, but try to cook more meals than you eat out. Many restaurants don't list calories, sodium or saturated fat amounts on the menu. By preparing homemade dishes and packing school lunches, you'll know exactly what nutrients your kids are consuming. 

Stay active

Being sedentary can lead to an increased risk of obesity, coronary heart disease and Type II diabetes. According to D.C.'s Department of Health, exercise can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 

Limit the amount of screen time your kids get per day and encourage outdoor activities.

Take advantage of online support

USDA United States Department of Agriculture has an interactive resource, Choose MyPlate, where you can use a SuperTracker tool to plan and track daily diet and physical activity levels. Make a free online profile to log your health goals, manage weight and connect with coaches. 

For some quick and healthy recipes from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, click here.

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