Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

What residents of D.C. love about their bodies

We diet, we exercise and we work to constantly improve ourselves.  But what’s got us happy about our bodies?  Read on to learn why residents of the greater D.C. area are loving their bodies.

“I like that, as I’ve gotten older, my hair has become more controlled and I can get it to do what I want it to do. And it’s not as crazy as the rest of my life.” -- Dawn, administrative assistant

"My favorite body part is my waist." -- Kara, loan processor

“The main thing I love about my body is that women love it -- other than that I love that I’m healthy, strong and full of energy and can continue to run circles around my opponents.” -- Jarrod, Information Security Officer

“That most of the parts still work.  No, seriously, that I still have flexibility in my body.”  -- Diane, school librarian

"I love that I'm confident in my own skin. I have skinny days and I have fat days--but no matter what day it is--I don't get too hard on myself for what I look like. As long as I surround myself with loving and accepting people." --Renee, marketing guru

“I like my arms and shoulders the most.  I have always been an arm and shoulder person, meaning that my arms and shoulders are more defined and seem to build muscle easier than other parts of my body.  Genetics can really play a big role in helping to shape those muscle groups and help in determining how defined and how easy it is to build muscle in those areas.” -EJ, student

“I love my lankiness, makes me surprisingly hard to hit.” -- Adam, paralegal

“I like my face the best of my features, because I’ve been complimented on it.” -- Laura, accountant

“I love my boobs!  Because I think they’re very nicely shaped and my husband concurs.  And they did not sag after nursing.  They actually got better.” -- Jen, domestic engineer

“Considering I'm on a Chipotle, KFC, Five Guys diet, I'm in good football shape. I live on fast food so I love that I can run around on Saturdays without getting vertigo.” -- Dan, sports writer

“My smile, because I get a lot of compliments on my smile. “ -- Jen, homeschooling mom

“The thing I like most about myself is my hair.  I get the most compliments on my hair.”  -- Stacie, household CEO

"I love my jawline.  It's defined and almost showcases my face.  I put my hair up and get compliments because it creates a shape for my face.  It makes me feel sexy and I usually favor my left side in photos because it's more prominent." --Ashley, specialist

“I like my boobs and my blue eyes and my small feet and my nose.” -- Jen, computer analyst

“I would say my hands.  You can see the strength, and I can also see my age, and you also see your femininity.  They’re warm and they’re gentle.”  -- Charlene, hardware salesperson

“My eyes, because they see the good in everyone.” -- Pam, police officer

"My breasts are my favorite feature because they make me feel like a woman.  They're almost like an accessory, where I can dress them up for different occasions. If I'm going to the gym, nice restaurant or club, they are displayed in different ways." --Ashley, facilities specialist

“I love my lanky swimmer's body. It's not packed with muscle or too thin but looks and feels healthy and is a great asset for my athletic lifestyle! I don't have to work incredibly hard to maintain it either; eating relatively healthy, working out a couple of times a week, and my two nights a week of ZogSports keeps me looking and feeling good.” -- Shaun, Tesla Motors Washington DC Representative

“I like how round my butt is.  The profile view of my derriere is very much a ‘C’ shape.  I fill out jeans well, and I’m proud of the way I look.  I love having a healthy, shapely figure and I feel confident with my perky, round caboose making me look good as I walk away.” -- Katie, paralegal

“My melons, because they are perfect and portable.”  -- Kristen, editor

“I love my body's balance and flexibility because it increases my agility on the football field. It also makes me pretty good at Wii games!” -- Lauren, Arctic Blast, ZogSportsDC/Partnership Manager, President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition

“My face is my favorite body part.  It is the home for my strong bone structure and lovely green eyes.  I have been told that I have the face of a model, although I am much too modest to accept that.  However, I must admit that I am particularly stunning at times.” -- Kevin, freelance pet photographer

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