Expert Offers Advice for Keeping Off Extra Pounds

Most people's overeating is 'unconscious' eating, expert says

A lot of people are reckless eaters, munching on whatever, whenever, without thinking about what they're putting in their bodies.

The result is unwanted pounds and a decline in health.

Many people don't even think about the food they eat, said Jane Jakubczak, a nutritionist at the University of Maryland.

"Be mindful of everything we put in our mouth," she said.  "I really believe that most of our overeating is the unconscious eating."

And a couple hundred calories can make a difference, especially as people get older.

People need about 200 fewer calories a day in their 40s compared to their 30s, said Jakubczak.

One tool that may help people avoid unconscious eating is a food record, in which they write down what they eat.

Another problem for people trying to lose weight: simple sugars, which cause a person's blood sugar to spike and then fall quickly.  When a person's blood sugar crashes, they become hungry.

The solution is to eat foods with complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans.

Another pitfall is alcohol.  It's high calories, simple sugars and unconscious eating all in one, Jakubczak said.

Another tip she had for people was not to go for long periods of time without eating.  That's because an empty stomach could lead to overeating.

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