Community Partners at the Expo

These Community Partners will join us at the Expo!

100 Men of Greater Washington DC
Providing: Fitness and nutrition information, fitness demo by personal trainer, cooking demo, health screenings.

105 Voices of History
Providing: Literature on obesity and stress, self-test, literature and materials on music-connected healthy living.

A Wider Circle
Providing: Health and wellness information, including nutrition and stress management information and interactive materials. Also, we will have information on how people can utilize all of A Wider Circle's programs and services.

Advocates for Justice and Education, Inc
Providing: Resources to improve outcomes of children and youth with special needs and special health care needs.

African Women's Cancer Awareness Association
Providing: Educational materials in six different African languages, including English, and a breast model for women to touch and feel what a lump feels like.

AIDS Healthcare Foundation/ Blair Underwood Healthcare Center
Providing: We will provide free, one-minute HIV Tests, free condoms and free literature.

Alzheimer's Association-National Capital Area Chapter
Providing: Information about Alzheimer's Disease, dementia; lists of programs and upcoming events, etc.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention-National Capital Area
Providing: Brochures, pamphelts, DVDs, bracelets.

American Heart Association
Providing: Cardiovascular health education materials, blood pressure screenings, and incentive giveaways.

American Pharmacists Association-Shenandoah University Chapter Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy
Providing: Osteoporosis prevention and Bone Density Screenings for the public.

American Pharmacists Association-University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
Providing: Educational materials on diabetes including healthy recipes, disease information, "rethink your drink" game, Information on the flu and the importance of getting vaccinated, differences between vaccines etc.

American Red Cross
Providing: Blood drive, blood donations.

American Red Cross, National Capital Region
Providing: CPR demonstrations, blood services information, disaster preparedness information for individuals, families and organizations.

American Society of Clinical Oncology
Providing: Printed patient information on all different types of cancer.

Andromeda Transcultural Health Center
Providing: Free HIV testing (rapid) oral or finger stick, educating on HIV and prevention.

Arthritis Foundation, Mid-Atlantic Region
Providing: Information on foundation, events, classes. Raffles and give-aways.

Be The Match Foundation
Providing: Conducting a marrow drive, people between the ages of 18 and 44. After being medically qualified, they will fill out a consent form and swab their check, the results will be placed in the national database.

Because We Care Health Training Center
Providing: Blood pressure screenings, diabetic and CPR awareness, face painting.

Best Buddies International
Providing: Information regarding the 2014 Audi Best Buddies Challenge: Washington, D.C. taking place on Saturday, October 18, 2014.

Blacks in Government Region XI
Providing: Brochures on health and wellness and information about our organization.

Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network
Providing: Interactive golf putting contest, tips for early detection, patient handbook for the newly diagnosed and our BCAN brochure. We will promote volunteerism and our awareness walk. We will also offer a door prize raffle for those who join the mailing list.

Brain Injury Association of DC
Providing: Educational materials on preventing brain injury. We will also have some puzzles and games for people to interact with if they are interested.

Brother to Brother Sister to Sister United, Inc.
Providing: Literature on bicycle riding as a recreational activity to promote healthful living for individuals and families, literature on HIV and AIDS, including resources for prevention and treatment.

Camp Fire Patuxent
Providing: Interactive activities for youth and families and health education.

Caribbean Sounds Race, LLC
Providing: Information on sarcoidosis research, body fat testing and running IQ tests and a chance to win a Bodyfit package.

Chris4Life Colon Cancer Foundation
Providing: A doctor from Lombardi Cancer Center there to talk to people that have questions.

City Year
Providing: Information on City Year and the work our young people do in D.C. Public Schools.

Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind
Providing: Informational material and eye screenings on the Mobile Eye Care unit.

Comcast (Internet Essentials)
Providing: Information about Internet Essentials as well as information about their other XFINITY product offerings – TV, Phone, Home.

Compassion Over Killing
Providing: Vegetarian recipes, restaurant guides, t-shirts, bumper stickers, educational information, possibly vegetarian food samples.

Crittenton Services of Greater Washington
Providing: Understanding healthy relationships, sexual health information for teen girls and young women, free condoms, consultation on choices for protection from HIV and pregnancy, community service hours for teen girls in Crittenton’s SNEAKERS and PEARLS programs.

Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America
Providing: Giveaways like T-shirts and water bottles. We will offer discount registrations. We have literature about Crohn's and colitis. We will have information about our walks, half marathons, triathlons and children's camp.

D.C. Cancer Consortium
Providing: Informational material such as pamphlets and visuals. We will also have free giveaways such as pens, t-shirts and a gift cards.

D.C. Fire and EMS
Providing: A fire engine, an ambulance, a car seat safety display, educational information, CPR Demo, and testing for blood sugar and blood pressure.

D.C. Homeland Security & Emergency Management

Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation
Providing: Educational materials on diabetes education.

District of Columbia Area of Narcotics Anonymous (DCANA)
Providing: NA Fellowship-approved literature (information pamphlets).

District of Columbia Dental Society Foundation
Providing: 3 oral cancer screenings stations and provide oral healthcare education information.

District of Columbia Metropolitan Area Dietetic Association
Providing: Our booth with offer the opportunity to speak with a registered dietitian, play a nutrition trivia game, and we will offer a few give-aways.

District of Columbia Office on Aging
Providing: Model city dancer dance routines and Mr. Yates will have exercise routines.

Dogs on Deployment
Providing: Information on Dogs on Deployment .

Downtown Cluster's Geriatric Day Care Center, Inc.
Providing: Organization brochures, pamphlets and information on our programs and services.

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation
Providing: We will be handing out information and answering questions about dystonia.

Early Stages Center, DC Public Schools
Providing: Information about our free special education evaluation services and offer families the opportunity to sign up for free screenings for their children.

Education Plus 2

Providing: Hands-on learning opportunities for youth in various career fields: Medicine, Culinary, STEM, etc.

Enchanting Women Foundation
Providing: Pamphlets and information pertaining to homeless women in the DMV area.

Ernest Everett Just Foundation
Providing: STEM related learning materials and information about our organization to students.

Express Care-Cure Cancer Through Compassion Project
Providing: We will do face painting to raise donations for children with cancer and give out flyers of Express Care’s services.

Fire/EMS Department-Prince George's County
Providing: Fire and life safety and a pink fire truck.

Fitness Kids

Global Running Club, Inc.
Providing: Club memberships, health, running, and fitness tips.

Goodknight Child Empowerment Network
Providing: Literature on safety from child adbuction, violence and abuse. Info on annual run/walk .

Greater Washington Urban League
Providing: The League will offer information about GWUL's programs and services in housing and community development, and education, employment and training information.

Health Pact, Inc.
Providing: BMI screening, Blood pressure screenings, glucose screenings and nutrition profiles.

Hearing Loss Association of America
Providing: Information about hearing loss.

Hemophilia Association of the Capital Area
Providing: Information about bleeding disorders.

Housing Counseling Services
Providing: Information about housing programs and housing/health programs that are available to the D.C. area community.

Junior League of Northern Virginia
Providing: We plan to offer interactive nutritional and wellness activities, including discussion of health and fitness goals and give away wellness-related promotional items.

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Providing: We will be offering information about Type 1 Diabetes and the risk factors, JDRF research initiatives/ research summit, and promoting our upcoming Walk to Cure Diabetes. We will also be handing out small promotional items.

Kappa Youth Development, Inc.
Providing: HIV screening, Hepatitis-C screening, health and wellness information, interactive computer search to NIH health databases, small prizes, free condoms.

Kreative Health Group, Inc.
Providing: Information on blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar screening, health education.

Legal Counsel for the Elderly
Providing: Offering educational information on the Affordable Care Act; health care market place, health care exchanges, Healthlink D.C., Medicare, Medicaid, and Medicare/Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse.

Lions Outreach Foundation, District 22-C
Providing: We will bring in a 40' mobile health unit to provide free vision, hearing, and glaucoma screenings.

Lovemybody/Healthy Little Cooks
Providing: Information supporting positive body image, self esteem and healthy eating. Featuring activities such as make your own chef's hat, recipes, healthy skin information, beauty boards and fitness tips.

Lupus Foundation of America DMV Chapter
Providing: We will have handouts, pamphlets, fliers, and first-hand information from lupus patients that live with lupus every day.

Lutheran Social Service of the National Capital Area
Providing: Information about our camping activities, HIV awareness for families, and supervised craft project for children.

Marfan Foundation-midatlantic Chapter
Providing: Public education and support regarding congenital connective tissue disorders.

Marine Corps Marathon
Providing: Children making medals, photo opportunities with our mascot Miles and a health wheel for children to spin.

Mary's Center for Maternal and Child Care Inc.
Providing: HIV testing, pregnancy testing, blood pressure screenings, nutrition education, smoking cessation information.

Providing: Showing the gaitaid, which is a wearable motion sensor, microdisplay glasses and headphones.

Men's Health Network
Providing: Information about men's health, body fat and grip strength assessments.

Mental Health America
Providing: 3 minute screening test for depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and PTSD. Allows the individual to have their M3 risk assessment printed, emailed or securely accessed online by a designated health care professional, all at the discretion of the user.

Metropolitan Washington Ear
Providing: We will be providing information and demonstrate our free radio and dial-in news information services for those who are visually impaired.

Montgomery Hospice
Providing: Montgomery Hospice will be providing educational materials and give aways.

Nar-Anon Family Groups
Providing: Free literature.

National Capital Coalition to Prevent Underage Drinking (NCCPUD)
Providing: Interactive games that will give participants a better understanding of the effect of Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs (ATOD), participants will have the opportunity to “walk” the sober line with the fatal vision glasses.

National Capital Lyme Disease Association
Providing: Tick ID cards, educational literature, tick removal kits, qualified staffers & doctors .

National Capital Parks and Planning Commission - Maryland
Providing: Giveaways.

National Capital Poison Center
Providing: Poison prevention materials, interactive learning about poisons with a poison wheel, magnets and stickers with the Poison Control Center emergency telephone number, DVDs with skits for children to learn about staying away from poison (if you don’t know what it is stay away), poison prevention tips.

National Eczema Association
Providing: Educational information on eczema.

National Minority Organ Tissue Transplant Education Program (MOTTEP)
Providing: Educational brouchures, booklets, and promotional items.

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition - NOVA Chapter
Providing: We will be offering symptoms cards, brochures, bracelets, pins, pens, and much more.

National Women's Health Network
Providing: Educational information via our newsletter, “The Women's Health Activist,” and fliers and brochures.

Nativsol Kitchen
Providing: Nutrition education, recipes, raffle prizes, food/nutrition games, handouts, etc.

Nature Boy (living healthy from the garden)
Providing: Information about growing a healthy garden and its nutritional values.

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Providing: Brochures and fact sheets about pancreatic cancer and the organization, giveaways.

Powertalk International
Providing: Printed material about the benefits of belonging to our organization.

Prevention of Blindness of Metropolitan Washington
Providing: Glaucoma screenings.

Ryan Lopynski Big Heart Foundation
Providing: Video describing SCA, the victims, survivors and preventative measures for survival. AED, CPR and EKG education and awareness.

Seabury Resources for Aging
Providing: Information on upcoming events, health promotion, recreational, homebound meals, nutrition programs and free giveaways and affordable housing.

Sister to Sister: Women's Heart Health Foundation
Providing: Educational, Sister-to-Sister branded materials, free giveaways such a stress balls, discount prescription drug cards from Sister to Sister, and promoting our revamped mobile app Smart for the Heart.

Providing: Provide information and resources about topics that greatly impact women.

Sister's Network Prince George's County
Providing: Information on FREE mammograms in the Washington DC/Maryland/Virginia area, Information about Sister's Network, Giveaways.

Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation
Providing: Educational materials and answering questions about Sjögren's Syndrome.

Special Love, Inc.
Providing: Have offered literature and face-painting in the past.

Taking Effective Action, Inc.
Providing: BMI analysis with consultation, discuss health and food safety issues with participants, provide free handouts on spirit, mind and body health, including heart/cardiovascular disease, nutrition, food safety, and heart-healthy recipes.

Toastmasters District 36
Providing: Handout materials on benefits of public speaking and communications skills, live demonstration and communication/interaction with people who visit the booth.

Top Ladies of Distinction, In (PG County Chapter)
Providing: Information on Sickle Cell disease awareness, including bone marrow testing.

UDC Student Dietetic Association
Providing: We will have nutrition education games and giveaways. We will also be providing body fat, BMI and waist/hip ratio measurements. A registered dietitian will be on staff to answer questions.

UPO Foster Grandparent Program
Providing: Goodies and share information on the program.

US Department of Labor
Providing: Health benefits information.

Vegetarian Society of DC
Providing: Free literature for healthy recipes, diet and health, tips to make diet healthier, info on free local events, some sales of books and T-shirts.

Veterans Crisis Line
Providing: Brochures, give-aways.

Virginia Division of Securities
Providing: We will provide free investor education related publications and promotional items for attendees’ financial health.

Washington Field Hockey Association
Providing: Membership flyers, upcoming dates of play, and instruction on game rules and stick handling.

Washington Metropolitan Area Al-Anon/Alateen Information Service (WMAAAIS)
Providing: Information and answering questions about Al-Anon Family Groups.

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
Providing: Silver Line and general Metro service information.

Washington Regional Transplant Community
Providing: Our information table will have brochures, donor registration forms and giveaways to help promote organ, eye and tissue donation awareness.

White Rose Foundation, Inc.
Providing: We will pass out information about many of WRF's health care programs.

WHUT Howard Univerity Television
Providing: Healthy living materials for children and parents. We will also have monitors at the booth that will feature health and fitness shows that we broadcast on WHUT. We are also planning to have Classical Stretch PBS Show Instructor Miranda Esmonde-White there to give attendees fitness tips.

Wig Capital Foundation
Providing: Collecting and donating wigs. We will be sign people up for free breast exams and to receive free wigs. We will also collect monetary donations. Retail wigs to help with monetary donations.

Women Of Virtue, Inc

YMCA of Metropolitan Washington
Providing: Physical fitness challenges for kids, obstacle courses, exercise for active older adults.

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