GOP Strategist Roger Stone: Matt Labash Can't Be Duped

Republican strategist Roger Stone quipped that his decision to attend the book party for The Weekly Standard's Matt Labash at the home of Tucker Carlson last night was largely based on the fact he's a character in the tome.

"I'm here because I'm in his book," Stone said. "He's very hard to b-------. It turns out everything I told him he actually went out and checked out himself. He's a real pain in the a--."

He joked, "Most Washington reporters you can tell them anything and they will believe it. ... You can sell them anything. His piece has had an unusual effect in my life." 

Stone was not the only political strategist on hand to fete Labash's book "Fly Fishing" last night. Earlier in the evening, David Mudcat Saunders stood outside the home of the Carlsons, who co-hosted the party with The Weekly Standard, after making the 3-1/2-hour trek from Roanoke.

"I'm not dressed well enough to go in," he joked.

Even Marion Barry made an appearance -- even if he showed up a bit late.

“Marion Barry is supposed to come tonight,” said Matt.  “But the thing you don’t know about Barry is that he is notoriously late.  He’ll be putting the Carlson kids to bed.”

Barry didn’t disappoint.

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