What You're Doing Tonight: 5/20

Fashion 411: Got the urge for a style upgrade? The Torpedo Factory Art Center (105 N. Union St., Alexandria, VA) is where you need to be. Malaysian Batik presents a fashion show of one-of-a-kind pieces. 6 p.m.; free.

Recipes for Life:  Busboys & Poets (2021 14th St. NW) hosts a launch party for DC Central Kitchen's official cookbook, "Feeding the Soul of the City," which includes recipes from high-profile chefs -- and stories about DC Central Kitchen, which offers meals and culinary job training to low-income residents. 6 p.m; free.

Gallery Pit-Stop:  Need a new view of things? Check out paintings and prints by Cynthia Jawitz, whose landscapes and botanicals (watercolors, oils and lithographs) are at the Studio Gallery (2108 R St. NW). Open until 7p.m.; free admission.

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