Virginia Taking Yoga Instructors to the Mat

Yogis may fancy themselves children of light and understanding, but when they get wrapped in the tentacles of state government, they're ready to lash back as fiercely as anyone. Well, at least as much as indignant high school students.

The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia has stated that it wants to require certification from studios that offer instruction to yoga teachers, a change that would entail a $2,500 fee, as well as audits and annual charges, The Washington Post reports.

The proposal would not affect yoga studios that hold classes for regular clients, only those that train other instructors. 

"We're not looking at yoga classes. That itself is an avocation," said [higher education council's  Linda] Woodley, who has been pondering enrolling in a hot yoga class. "But the teacher training is preparing people for a job. They can take the skills they learn and open up their own studio or just teach."

In response, a bevy of yoga teachers have taken to a starting a letter-writing campaign to Gov. Tim Kaine and forming Facebook groups in support of their cause.  No word on forthcoming hunger strikes or protest immolations in front of the statehouse.

A similar measure was defeated in New York by some committed yogis, so it can be done.

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