Look, we know DC isn't exactly an artists' town. There's pretty much a gray pin-striped cloud hovering over this entire place. But just because it's raining lawyers doesn't mean you can never get your creative on. Like this Saturday, April 18. Flux 09, hosted by Art Outlet, is a "big free art overload on the Pike." (And if you don't know that means Columbia Pike, then you've never sat stopped at a red light for 15 minutes staring at strip malls consisting solely of cell phone stores.)
More than 40 artists and performers are getting together from 6 p.m. to midnight for a mashup of art, poetry and video projection inside and outside the second-floor storefront (3213 Columbia Pike, Arlington, Va.). (Presumably located over a cell phone store.)
Schedule: 6 p.m.: Reception starts
6:15-6:45: Drumming Circle (open to anyone. Bring your drum!)
7:30-8: Jess (folk, accoustic guitar)
8:15: Poetry by Ashira '2C' Malka
9-10: Rain and Farewell (live projections and music)
10-midnight: DJ Se7en! ("Jazzi Hip-Hop")
Can't make it, but nonetheless feeling suffocated by the button-down world? Check out the Recycled Art Show, open every day through April 30 at Arlington Central Library. Check out an exhibit of artwork comprised of at least 50% recycled materials. Sounds like an artsy (if potentially) stinky way to spend an afternoon.