The World Is Your Oyster (and Toilet)

Poop boxes for sale

Why use a sticky, stinky public porta-potty when you can carry your OWN sticky, stinky porta-potty with you at all times? 

Or what if you're just meandering along, enjoying your nature hike SO MUCH that you don't want to search for a suitable private spot in the woods? Well, hell's bells, whip out your special poop box and take care of your situation right then and there, or whenever the mood strikes you. (Although we under no circumstances condone public nudity. See here and here. And here and here.)

The Brown Corporation presents The Amazing [Poop] Box:

"a lightweight portable cardboard toilet. The box pops up from a convenient flat pack to a rigid, reusable toilet. Each box comes with degradable poo bags, so you can use it again and again."

And there are handy DIAGRAMS on the Web site! With naughty words! Well, really just one naughty word, but it's repeated several times throughout.

Choose from the Bog Standard (which has That Word on it we can't say on this site), the Ploo (which as a happy bear on it, doing in the woods what bears do best in the woods) and a Little Jack's Box, available in bright purple or blue for the wee ones who just can't wait to, well, you know.

These [Poop] Box people are completely serious, by the way. So serious that they actually sell refills of those biodegradable liner bags. The two larger sizes can be yours for about $22 U.S., and the smaller one for about $19.50. Yeah, the prices on the site are in Euros, and your special box will be shipped from England, although they don't use Euros there, either.

But after checking out this product, the monetary confusion is probably the least of our worries.

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