Stilt-Jumpers Arrive to Bounce Around Capital

No need to panic, they come in peace.

On June 27 and 28, downtown DC will be overtaken by people on power stilts ... wait, what? Seriously, expert stilt-walkers (stilters?) from across the country will soon arrive for Capital Bocking USA. And what's the meaning of "bocking," exactly? Yeah, we had to look that one up, too. Wikipedia (Web site of the gods) calls it "the act of jumping and running with elastic-like spring-loaded stilts. For some it is an extreme sport, for others it is a form of exercise or even a means of artistic expression."

Nope, these aren't typical stilts -- these are curved, flexible contraptions that let their user bounce around like Tigger on his springy tail. It's like stilts cross-pollinated with pogo sticks AND rollerblades. And then threw in an extra dash of zaniness. Like the kind of I'm-embarassed-to-do-this-alone-so-thank-God-there's-a-club-for-this zaniness.

Check out the basics:

So, what can you expect from our merry visitors on stilts? They will be completing in and attempting various stilt competitions and challenges, like obstacle courses, vaults and races. Wow, how wholesome.

Even if your balance isn't quite good enough for this utterly delightful insanity, you can still take part in the fun. Come as a spectator and cheer on the competitors. Even beginners, who can balance and walk on their own stilts, can register to participate for free. 

The weekend event kicks off on June 26 at 7:30 in Chevy Chase at an invite-only party. Ooh, the exclusive world of power stilts! Saturday and Sunday, you can take part or watch the full slate of events, culminating in an awards ceremony and free demonstrations. That's right, there's a free opportunity for the balance-deprived, uncoordinated people to try out the stilts (just remember to RSVP).
Capital Bocking will take place rain or shine ... good thing, 'cause with the way DC weather is going, some rain seems like almost a guarantee. Pads will be provided 'cause remember peeps, always safety first! See the full schedule of events here.

Come June 27, be ready to get your stilt on ... and remember, don't fear the tall people.

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