The Irony, It Burns

Wait a sec, there's too MUCH snow to go skiing?

Snowpocalypse II, so this is what it's come down to. Whitetail Ski Resort is closed due to snow, reports We Love D.C.

The Good People at Whitetail say on their Web site:

Roads in our region are snowed in. Therefore to allow road crews to dig out, we will be closed today. However, have no fear, tomorrow is going to be an awesome day on the mountain. During the past 6 days we have received over 4 feet of natural snow.

Actually, four feet of natural snow sounds more like it falls in the "drowning with your snowboard still strapped to your feet," but who are we to argue? (And Roundtop is open today in case you're having a ski emergency.)

You know what else is ironic? A non-ironic song about irony, made during a blizzard.

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