Prepare Your HVAC System For Winter

Here's how to keep your HVAC system running efficiently, smoothly and cleanly when the temperatures plummet outside

This article is sponsored by Michael & Son, the leading full-service plumbing, electrical, HVAC and remodeling company serving the Washington D.C. area for over 30 years. Learn more about Michael & Son at

Thanks to hot, humid summers and bone-chilling winters, D.C. area residents really put their home's HVAC system through the ringer.

Indeed, climate control is a must if you want to live comfortably in the area. But the constant fluctuations in weather means your home's HVAC system is usually working harder than it was intended to. That means you'll need to add updating your HVAC system to your winterizing to-do list.

If that sounds daunting, fear not, the process is relatively painless. Let's take a closer look at just how to get your HVAC system ready for the frigid months ahead.

Duct Cleaning
Most HVAC systems drag in all sorts of dust and debris during the summer. Along with being re-circulated throughout your home, these contaminants can also cause airflow restrictions that make your system work harder and raise your energy cost. A proper duct cleaning will ensure proper airflow through the winter months and keep your energy cost where they should be (just be sure to avoid duct-cleaning scams).

Filter Change
Changing your systems filter is important for the same reasons as a duct cleaning. If you are using a standard filter with a lower MERV rating, you might consider upgrading to a longer lasting and more effective filter. For more information on the different types of filters, click here.

Thermostat Upgrade

An older thermostat will not always give accurate readings, especially one that uses mercury. Consider updating your thermostat this winter season.

Clear the Clutter
Remove any clutter that has built up around your furnace. This will not only help it run more efficiently, it also removes any fire hazards.

Look, Listen & Smell
When you turn heat on for the first time of the year, make sure to examine the machine for any strange sounds, smells or smoke. If you notice any of those issues, call an experienced HVAC professional right away.

Want to make sure your system is ready for this winter season and every season to come? Call Michael & Son Services today and ask about our Home Cares Agreements. With a Michael & Son Home Care Agreement, we take the worry out maintaining your home’s HVAC system.

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