Salahis To Attend Haiti Benefit Amid Vegas Flap

Controversy, Congressional hearing don't stop couple from partying

White House State Dinner? Check. Las Vegas nightclub party and Congressional hearing? Check and Check. 

How do the Salahis top themselves? By attending an event that will benefit the victims of the Haiti earthquake, of course.

Michaele and Tareq Salahi, the so-called party-crashers, are scheduled to attend the event at Teatro Goldoni in D.C. But, according to Politico, a business associate said the couple doesn't have a clean track record when it comes to charitable events.

Last Friday, the Salahis headlined a party at Pure Nightclub in Las Vegas, saying they'd waive their $5,000 appearance fee for the victims of Haiti. But the director of public relations for Pure Management Group told Politico that the Salahis did not arrange for their fee to be waived and instead had it wired to them on the following Monday.

Michael Gilmartin said the Salahis did not indicate that they wanted the fee waived prior to the event. The Salahis' attorney, Stephen Best, told Politico in an e-mail that the Salahis donated a significant portion of their appearance fee to the relief effort, and that he has seen a receipt proving that they did.

On Thursday, invitations were sent out for an event that will benefit Haiti featuring a picture of the couple, according to Politico. The event is being presented by America's Polo Cup, Glittarazzi, a social blog, and Power Players Club.

The Salahis are being touted as "special guests" according to the Facebook invite.  Check out more details about the event here.

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