Parking Spaces Get Classy — and Grassy

PARK(ing) Day transforming ordinary parking spaces into havens of relaxation

You thought parking in D.C. was bad BEFORE? PARK(ing) Day -- falling this year on Friday, Sept. 18 -- will turn parking spaces into temporary parks for the day. Way-too-relaxed folks feed the meter throughout the day, but use the spaces for much more fun things than leaving a car, reports D.C. Concierge.


You want details? Oh, they have (tentative) details:

Tentative Location 1: Georgetown
Join us for a civilized game of croquet and horseshoes, as well as ice-cold lemonade. We’ll probably have other sand, grass, or bar games set up, and wouldn’t the day be incomplete without delicious frozen yogurt?

Tentative Location 2: U Street
14th and U is alive with artists and music, so what better way to honor our beloved corridor with a day of Jazz, local musicians, poetry readings, and possibly cupcakes?

Tentative Location 3: Gallery Place
Step up to our soccer themed park, have a sip of some local coffee, and score a goal in support of the district’s plans for a new soccer stadium.

Tentative Location 4: Adams Morgan
Animals greet you with delicious snacks and implore you to put your mark on the nearby asphalt. Get your picture taken doing an impression of your favorite creature and learn more about animal rights.

We love when tenets of civil disobedience are actually just used for having fun. Of course, their point is that far too much of downtown areas cater to cars, and far too little is geared toward actual human enjoyment.

But if they're really throwing cupcakes into the mix, we're just gonna call this pure fun. Go see galleries of past parks to get the (whimsical) idea.

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