New Fall Flavors at Georgetown Cupcake

Pumpkin Spice and Chocolate Orange ... YUMMY!

A new month means another rent check forked over, but more importantly, new flavors at Georgetown Cupcake! Every month, cupcake queens Katharine Kallinis and Sophie LaMontagne release new goodies to correspond with the month and season. October, obviously, makes us think of candy corn, cornucopias on greeting cards, and where the heck we left that down jacket last March.

The shop's Pumpkin Spice is back: pumpkin spice cake, maple cream cheese frosting and a maple fondant leaf on the top. The confection is be available every day but Sunday, when the Chocolate Orange will be offered. This one consists of chocolate and orange-flavored cake with orange cream cheese frosting, topped with orange zest.

Old faithful flavors like chocolate, vanilla and red velvet are, of course, always around, so if you're willing to brave the lines, scoop up a basic flavor for your prudish roommate (to delight tastebuds or to use as an underhanded bribe). The joy of a cupcake, after all, makes the beginning of the month pretty sweet, even counteracting the pain of a $1,200 check for a place that doesn't even have a dishwasher.

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