Read this and you'll look smart. You don't have to be intelligent to impress people -- you just have to fake it. Here's a daily list of fascinating articles that will wow your friends, surprise your co-workers and make you seem sharp at a cocktail party or over the lunch counter....
- The first sustainable night club has been created by Dutch ecological investors, engineers and investors. It uses rainwater-fed toilets, uses low-waste bars and its heat comes from bands' amplifiers.
- British scientists have developed a test for expecting parents to screen unborn children for nearly every known genetic disease.
- The Bloodhound SSC will likely break the land speed record by the largest margin ever. The pencil-shaped car is powered by a rocket and a jet engine and can reach speeds of 1,000 mph.
- Having a warm drink in hand makes us feel more positive toward strangers, a new study shows. Researchers suggest that it could have something to do with our desire to seek out warmth and the hot drink triggers postiive associations in the brain.
- Though SNL has had the best ratings it's had in more than a decade, the number of people who watch clips of Sarah Palin online will soon surpass the 15 million viewers that watched the show.
- Motion is not action. Dynamic changes in the level of brightness causes us to see changes where none exist and is the basis of TV or movie animation.
- Ex-communist countries are at high risk during periods of economic downturn. Already many banks have tanked and years of savings have been obliterated.