Counter Intel: “Non-Reader” Kanye Pens Book

Find out what Kanye has to say in his new book and take a look at our list of must-reads that will have you chatting at the lunch counter, over IM or wherever it is that people actually talk these days.

  • Kanye West is a “proud non-reader of books.” But he wants to impart his wisdom to the masses via a 52-page book of what he dubs “Kanye-isms.” Some pages are blank. Others have just a few words on them. One page reads, “I hate the word hate!” His favorite gem is “Get used to being used.” The college drop out said his distaste for literature helped inform his writing because it gave him “childlike purity.”
  • In what is perhaps one of the worst bastardizations of rock music ever, a lullaby version of Nirvana is now available for parents who are trying to recapture their youth by lulling their children to sleep with their old faves. The album “Smells Like Teen Spirit” along with some Bob Marley and Pink Floyd selections have been remixed on a new CD for kids that uses xylophones and other equally nauseating instruments.
  • Two Harvard economists are making a claim that the tax system should be based on height. They cite a study that people who are tall tend to earn more money than their shorter counterparts and are thus already paying high taxes. The goal of the proposal was to "maximize the level of happiness through a redistribution of income," according to their academic paper. 
  • Microsoft's new search engine Bing appears similar to Google but is designed to be a "decision engine." The concept is to shift work from consumers to search engines by providing answers to users' queries on the results page without having to click through. By using your IP address, for example, Bing will find your location and display a forecast if you enter the search term "weather."
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