Inside the Obamas' Super Bowl Menu

The White House tried to appeal to a bipartisan (so to speak) crowd during the Obamas' Super Bowl Party last night, offering Hinterland Pale and Amber ales from Wisconsin and two versions of the Pennsylvania brew Yuengling.

The crowd of about 100 included fans of both teams and members of both political parties. We can just hear the slogans now... The White House: Making Everyone Happy Since 2011!

The White House also released following menu for the party, unfortunately sans free samples. Can't really argue a bias there, though, either -- the bratwurst could have been a nod to Wisconsin, but the kielbasa is more of a Western Pennsylvania thing.

And the deep dish pizza? Chicago, thankyouverymuch. Partygoers also enjoyed Buffalo wings, German potato salad, twice-baked potatoes, Snyders potato chips and pretzels, chips and dips, salad (mehhh) and ice cream.

The president claimed he was neutral once his fave team, the Chicago Bears, were out of the running.

"There is good reason for the president to say he is neutral. Wisconsin is a likely swing state in 2012," reports the Examiner, which goes on to argue a convincing case of why Obama is probably a secret Steelers fan.

If that's the case, it might be a sad day at the White House today. We hope they're at least enjoying the leftovers.

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