Halloween Celebrations Scaring Up More Profits

That Means a LOT of Candy

If you're shelling out money to celebrate Halloween this year, you're not alone. The National Retail Federation expects Americans to spend nearly $6 billion on candy, costumes, and decorations in 2010 -- a $1 billion increase over last year.

That's not necessarily due to a less scary economic situation. The NRF credits an increase in Halloween partying opportunities, since the holiday falls on a Sunday this year. Tough financial times may also urge more people to want to escape into the Halloweeen madness.

"In recent years, Halloween has provided a welcome break from reality, allowing [us] a chance to escape from the stress the economy has put on family and incomes," said NRF President Matthew Shay.

People are expected to spend an about $66 each on Halloween festivities this year. The bulk of spending goes toward candy and decorations -- more than an estimated $3 billion this year, according to NRF. But more than $2 billion will be spent on costumes for adults, kids and even pets.

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