“The third time is the charm.”
So says Rapper Eve, who is relaunching her Fetish clothing line. She originally debuted the line in 2003, but it was canceled after various production problems and disagreements over the design direction.
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Eve didn’t like the line and she didn’t want to wear it. Now she’s back with an upgraded line she describes as “fun and funky.”
“This time around, the line has grown up, it has grown up with me and it’s actually pieces that I love,” she says.
The collection, which ranges in price from $29 to $149, consists of both casual wear and dressier pieces. There are jeans, tee shirts and tracksuits, plus holiday dresses in silks and sequins.
“The Fetish girl is a girl who is fashion forward. Someone who is body conscious, but you know, not in a vulgar way,” says Eve.
“You definitely have to have some confidence to wear a lot of these pieces.”
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Fetish is available at Macy’s, which by the way, is celebrating its 150th… Happy Birthday Macy’s!
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