Gap Shoppers Score Employee Discounts

Pierre Hardy's spring collaboration shipments have yet to hit area stores, but there's plenty of reason to hoof it into Gap ahead of time:

Today through April 30, shoppers can go into any Gap store, locate and scan a special QR code with their smartphones, and from there, enter for the chance to win the year-long, 50-percent employee discount. Every day, the Gap will pick one winner from each store, and shoppers can go back every day through the end of the contest to keep entering.

While we're not usually inclined to report on market-driven promos, a year's worth of 50-percent-off denim and tees is too good not to pass along. (That, and we we were this-close to winning one of 10,000 pairs of denim during their last giveaway.)

Those without smartphones won't be left in the dark—according to contest rules, employees can also provide a store-specific URL to enter manually.

Well-played, Gap: you've got an incentive to get Facebook fans to frequent stores—potentially, again and again for at least a few days—and, from there, a nation's worth of repeat customers for the next calendar year.

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