First Porno, Now Sex Toys for Terps

Those lascivious University of Maryland kids are at it again. Last year, they screened part of a porn film on campus ("Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge"), now they're bringing in sex toy shop proprietors to provide students with detailed lessons on STDs, oral sex, lubrication and vibrators, all in lurid visual detail, the Diamondback reported.  

Oh, they're so sexually liberated, those Terps.

The hour-and-a-half discussion and demonstration was a special nighttime event on the campus, which was attended by about 30 students. Those who showed up praised the event as informative, useful and chock full of dildoes and dental dams.

“I kind of expected her to just hold up crazy sex toys; that wasn’t quite what happened,” said freshman mechanical engineering major Will Dunham. “I was more like, ‘Hmmm, I wonder how that works,’ or ‘Oh my God, that thing is huge!’ And sometimes like, ‘That goes where?!’”

Interesting. Y'know, Will, based on your description, it sounds like she actually did hold up a bunch of crazy sex toys. But as long as you guys learned something, continue to shine on, you crazy college scamps.

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