Feeling a Little Sticky?

Tuesdays are Karaoke Night at Sticky Rice

Ever feel the need to just belt out a tune? Yeah, OK, maybe not.

But bring your less cynical pals to Sticky Rice (1224 H St. N.E.), where Tuesdays welcome everyone from pro singers to off-pitch warblers at its karaoke night (10 p.m.-2 a.m.). Sticky Rice provides a long list of karaoke tunes (from A-ha to White Zombie, to be exact) that will have everyone fighting to get on stage for their 15 minutes of fame.

If you’re a little shy (or maybe just too sensible to let loose in public), let your guard down with drink specials like $2 Tecates. And come hungry because Sticky Rice's varied, affordable menu ranges from authentic Asian to traditional American. Try dishes like the spicy salmon roll ($5) or the Tokyo burger ($9).

Once your needs have been suitably sated, consider grabbing the mike. After all, it's not like the restaurant is full of potentially judgmental yet drunken strangers, right? Wait, it is? OK, no further comment.

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