You don't have to go far to find an Asian restaurant in D.C. -- just look up and you'll probably notice an Indian or Thai restaurant right in front of you. (Amazing how they just pop up like that!) But this weekend, go a step further and experience Asian culture at the Asian Festival out in Reston.
The festival will present music, cultural performances, food, beauty pageants, fashion and gifts -- wow, now we're out of breath.
Held at the Lake Newport Tennis Facility (11452 Baron Cameron Ave., Reston), the fest is sponsored by the Thai Tennis Organization to ... well, promote tennis AND an understanding of Asian culture in such countries as Thailand, Japan and Bangladesh. Wow!
Though we're not completely sure how tennis ties into Asian culture, the event will provide some tennis competitions and events, including a fastest serve contest and the Tennis Block Party.
Other than the tennis thing (really, does that make sense to anyone?), this year's festival spotlights India with food, art and entertainment including Bollywood and Bhangra dancing. A special exhibit will be dedicated to Asian embassies and organizations to showcase their native cultures.
Aside from all that valuable education and physical fitness (pshaw), 25 popular Asian restaurants will dish up authentic dishes. A market will feature items imported from France. No, just kidding, they're from various regions in Asia.
Saturday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.
Sunday, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.