DC's Honesty on the Line Again

Feeling in the mood for a little minor theft? No, we're not telling you to break the law. It's an experiment, OK?

Local beverage maker Honest Tea is once again putting D.C. under the clutches of its twisted (but tasty) mind games. An unmanned pop-up shop set up in Dupont Circle will offer bottles of iced tea for $1 each -- except "it will be up to each individual to decide if they will pay for their drinks," said the company.

There is no penalty if you don't pay, and we know it's going to be freakishly hot today, thereby triggering the necessity of cold beverages. But hidden cameras will record everything. (You can even watch the livestream below.)

Dun dun dun!

Actually, D.C. did pretty well in terms of honesty last year, coming in at 93 percent honest. That was second place nationwide, just a tad behind Boston at 93.3 percent. Los Angeles came in last place at 75 percent.

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