DC9 Announces New Year's Eve Plans

The music venue's been closed since four employees and a co-owner were accused in the beating death of Ali Ahmed Mohammed, who allegedly threw a brick through a window and was chased down by the suspects, police said.

DC9 has been permitted to reopen, but although their website had claimed they were reopening Wednesday night, the doors stayed locked up tight. Only three other events are listed on their calendar right now -- dance parties on Friday and Saturday nights... and a New Year's Eve event.

Considering the controversy and uncertainty surrounding the venue, it's a bit surprising that DC9 is already selling tickets. The $15 cover includes a free drink and a place to party until 4 a.m. on Jan. 1.

The D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration ruled two weeks ago that the venue could open with some restrictions. The bar has installed more than a dozen surveillance cameras, and ran background checks on employees, who also received security training. Police officers will be employed as security as part of the police department's reimbursable detail program.

The five suspects in the case are no longer employed with the club.

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