Read this and you'll look smart. You don't have to be intelligent to impress people -- you just have to fake it. Here's a daily list of fascinating articles that will wow your friends, surprise your co-workers and make you seem sharp at a cocktail party or over the lunch counter....
- The way in which we categorize things affects how we think about it. By replacing "war on terror" with a different way of framing anti-terrorism efforts could actually help curb violence.
- A promising new design makes the development of a full-scale, hand-held analytical lab available for clinics to test for infectious diseases, police to perform instant drug tests or paramedics for curbside diagnoses more realistic.
- Newsweek isn't happy with Apple's new laptops -- which include two graphics processors, sexy cosmetics and other goodies -- and is suffering from a bit of Apple-brand fatigue.
- Christopher Columbus' ship Santa Maria was the tallest point in the Atlantic when he sailed to America in 1492 -- so how did he prevent the mainmast from being hit by lightening?
- A new study shows that, for middle-aged or older people, using the internet gives their brains a boost, stimulating more brain activity than reading a book.
- A "face-reader" claims that McCain's jowls indicate that he's lost gravitas and Palin's squared-jaw indicates she likes to pull strings to get what she wants.
- The copyright czar is responsible for combating piracy and reports directly to the president -- so who would you pick?