Black Cat Launches Second Saturdays Concert Series was originally published on Black Plastic Bag on Jan. 09, 2009, at 3:19 pm
If you’re in band and you want to play a show in DC on a Friday or Saturday night, you’re options are sort of limited right now. You can A) play the Velvet Lounge or B) play a house show. Neither option is bad, per se, unless of course the cops storm into your house and shut the power off on your circuit breaker (usually only a problem that afflicts option B), or your rightfully hysterical neighbor pounds on the door demanding that you turn the music down so that her children can finally get some sleep or she’ll call the cops, who will then storm into your house and cut the power off on your circuit breaker (again, generally that applies to option B). Otherwise, DJ nights have banished your band to Wednesday or Thursday nights, which will test your most enduring relationships when friends inevitably choose Law and Oder: SVU over your gig.
However, Black Cat has recently introduced a third option. The club has launched Second Saturdays, a concert series that will host DC and DC-affiliated bands on the venue’s backstage during the second Saturday of each month.
“We’ve been thinking about the possibilities of a series like this for awhile - tossing ideas back and forth in the office kind of thing,” says Black Cat publicity director Maegan Wood. “This isn’t something that we just thought up the other day in order to fill a few winter dates.”
“We’re looking at our favorite bands in the city–whether they’re brand new, established, whatever–and inviting them to play,” explains Wood. “That lets us “curate” the night, so to speak, and turn it into an event that we’re proud of.”
Second Saturdays, which kicked off with Ted Leo’s solo performance last month, will continue this week with performances by Pow Wow (Mary Timony’s new band) and True Womanhood.
Pow Wow, True Womanhood @ Black Cat
Sat., 1/9 $8 Backstage 8:00
1811 14th St. NW