Big Green Bus Greases Wheels of Congress

Leftover French fry grease can leave anyone feeling a little green, but that's a good thing for 15 Dartmouth College students.

They parked their "Big Green Bus" in front of Capitol Hill Friday to highlight sustainable living and to chat with Congressional representatives.

The coach bus has been converted to run on waste vegetable oil, such as leftover French fry grease. It is equipped with a specially modified engine, solar panels, an interior constructed of sustainable materials and other green goodies.

The bus was scheduled to be parked on Capitol Hill until about 6 p.m., then would make a stop at Jazz in the Park at the Sculpture Garden until 8 p.m. On Saturday it will head to Shirley Povich Field in Bethesda (Cabin John Park) for a Big Train game and then continue its journey elsewhere in the U.S.

In total, the bus is scheduled to go 12,000 miles through 40 states.

So do your part by eating as many fries as you can. Hey, it's for the environment, right?

Follow the path of the Big Green Bus online by clicking here.

(Image courtesy

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