Holiday Bash, Lights Spectacular at Power Plant Live

Baltimore's Power Plant Live is lighting the Inner Harbor with its lights spectacular after a family-friendly concert this Saturday.

The Rock the Dock Family Holiday Bash (Sat., Dec. 14, 3-6 p.m.) will feature live music, a holidy market, cookie decorating, train rides and more. Power Plant restaurants will dish up soup samples and drink specials throughout.

Once it gets dark, the Holiday Light Show Spectacular (6 p.m.) will get underway with lights, lasers and music.

Both events are free and open to the public.

But if you're looking for some not-so-family-friendly fun, stay late and bring an affront to fashion during Santa’s Ugly Sweater Bar Crawl (8 p.m.-closing) to benefit Toys for Tots. A $15 donation will grant you a souvenir cup, a night's worth of drink specials and access to all of Power Plant's bars and nightclubs.


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