12 Days of ZooLights: Crab

Haven't made it to the National Zoo this holiday season? Catch up on what you're missing with our 12 Days of ZooLights. From Nov. 23 to Jan. 1, the zoo presents a sparking light display featuring sculptures of many of the zoo’s most popular animals. We're sharing one with you each day.

Today's animal: Crab

ZooLights debut: 2007

Number of lights: 124

Habitat: Blue crabs are native to the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and the Caribbean. The crab population in the wild can be used to indicate the health of the Chesapeake Bay.

At the zoo: Three blue crabs live in the zoo's Invertebrate House.

Zoo history: In the Think Tank Exhibit, land hermit crabs are kept in-heat monitored glass aquariums and eat a preservative-free diet.

Bet you didn't know... Female crabs can lay up to eight million eggs in deep saltwater in a single mating season.


Day 4 (Dec. 20): Cow

Day 3 (Dec. 19): Flamingo

Day 2 (Dec. 18): Cheetah

Day 1 (Dec. 17): Komodo Dragon

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