Teacher Leaves Toddler Behind at Playground in Northwest D.C.

News4’s Chris Gordon talks to the executive director of Friendship Children’s Center, who disciplined a teacher for leaving a toddler behind at a park.

A teacher at a childcare center in northwest D.C. is facing disciplinary action after a toddler was left behind at a nearby park.

About 4:30 p.m. Monday, two nannies noticed a little boy who seemed unattended on Livingston Playground. The incident came to our attention through the listserv DC Urban Moms.

"He had no shoes or socks and a runny nose,” the post reads.

A park attendant called police.

After about an hour, someone from the day care arrived with the 2-and-a-half-year-old boy's father.

"The parents came to pick up the child and the child had not come back from the park,” said Lisa Danahy, of Friendship Children’s Center, which uses the park daily.

The boy’s parents were upset, she said, but he is still enrolled. The center is investigating.

"You know, it seems like it was a breakdown in process, but we don't know all the details yet,” Danahy said.

Friendship Children’s Center reported the incident to the D.C. Office of State Superintendent of Education, which launched an investigation to determine what action it will take.

Friendship Children's Center said it has taken appropriate disciplinary action against the teacher.

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