Concert Goers Ready to Storm Food Stand

Two hours to get a hot dog

A Report From the Lincoln Memorial Concert was originally posted on City Paper on Jan. 18, 2009, at 1:42 p.m.

Jule Banville reports from the We Are One concert: Getting in via the security gates pretty easy. Bag restrictions were not really followed. Bags were not confiscated. They were checked in a cursory way. Basically it was like security at any big outdoor concert. People are bringing in chairs, strollers, and blankets with no trouble.

But if you’re hungry there’s a big problem. The line to get to the refreshment tent: Mammoth. Kaitlyn Boyle, 20, a student at Catholic, got to the grounds at 9 this morning and got through security in 15 minutes. But it took her two hours to get hot dogs. Those hot dogs, which are sold with chips, cost $6 apiece. Her total tab, with a $2 cookie, was $14. She’s p.o.’d because all she really wanted was hot chocolate and they ran out by the time she made it through the line.

Banville went to back of line to find someone whose hopes she could deflate. She found Craig Massari, 39, a steelworker from Buffalo, N.Y. He’d left Buffalo at 2:30 this morning; the bus dropped his group off here. They have to get to Baltimore, where they’re staying, tonight. The bus trip and hotel is costing him $900 for the weekend, but it’s worth it because he wants to be part of history. Unfortunately, he also wanted some hot chocolate. Banville broke the news to him.

“Well, then I’m going to storm the place,” he said. And then he continued to wait in line.

Banville also reports that the Jumbotron she’s standing by, between the Korean War monument and the Reflecting Pool, just went dark. Says there is a “Huge, huge, huge amount of porta potties.”

If you’ve gotta pee, you’re taken care of, Banville says. If you didn’t bring snacks, you’re f--ked.

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