Stan Kasten's a Lousy Weatherman

At least the Nats didn't lose

Nats President Stan Kasten played weatherman last night, guaranteeing that they would get the game in:  "Because of the significance of the game and that people came for this game in particular, and because tomorrow afternoon looks quite problematic with rain as well, we're going to get this game in tonight."

Yeah, sure, Stan.  Just like you said that "The PLAN!" was going to lead us to the promised land.  When Al Roker woke up, he wasn't sweating, that's for sure.

Stan was so steadfast in his assurances that he and the team held the game up and up until finally Stan or one of the Lerners had to go to bed.  They didn't call the rainout until 11 p.m.  The cynic would certainly say they held out for as long as possible to sell as many beers as they could.

So why did they wait so long, forcing the thousands (ok, maybe hundreds) of fans to wait through a four-hour rain delay?  Stan says it's because he cares about you, the fans:

"It's a horrible inconvenience for those fans, but it's a greater inconvenience for those fans who took pains to come here tonight. We're always mindful of trying to play the game if there's any way we can, and we think we're going to be able to do it, as tough as the conditions are."

Translation: To not inconvenience you, we're going to inconvenience you.

Nothing like kicking the few fans they have left right in the shins.

Yesterday's game gets made up at 4:30 today, as part of a traditional double-header.  It's a rare chance to see the Nats lose two games for the price of one -- another perfect day in NatsTown.

Chris Needham used to write Capitol Punishment.  He's glad he didn't end up going.

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