Robert Griffin III: “I'm Not a Great Slider”

Quarterback would accept help from Bryce Harper

Known for its sliders, White Castle likely won’t ever honor the Washington Redskins first-string quarterback by naming a sandwich after him.

“I’m not a great slider,” Robert Griffin III admitted Wednesday, confessing to the obvious after he fumbled while trying to down himself head first in Sunday’s loss to the Detroit Lions.

Griffin reiterated that coverage of the team shouldn’t be about just one player, saying he wants his teammates to know he doesn’t think the team is just about him while acknowledging that the quarterback will always receive a lot of the attention.

But he keeps giving us excuses to write about him.

RGIII said he has practiced sliding, in training camp.

“You basically run up to a defender and you slide,” he explained.

But it’s harder in shorts during practice than in the slicker football pants worj during a game, he said.

Asked if he would seek help from a Washington Nationals player, he replied, “If Bryce wants to do that, I’m up for it.”

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