Prank War Provides Halftime Entertainment at Terps Game

Revenge for a prank provided the entertainment at halftime of a University of Maryland men's basketball game.

Last year, Amir managed to ruin his friend Streeter's relationship by putting a fake proposal from Streeter to his girlfriend on the Jumbotron during a baseball game at Yankee Stadium. That ended in their breakup, but Amir and Streeter seemed to have maintained their friendship.

Streeter rigged it so Amir would take a blindfolded, half-court shot at Tuesday night's game. More importantly, he got the crowd to cheer loudly and the mascot to celebrate ... when Amir missed the shot badly.

Convinced he'd won half a million dollars, Amir ran wildly about the court and danced with the Terrapin, until Streeter poked his head out from behind a giant novelty check and smiled for the camera.

Watch the classic prank at We Love DC.

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