$100M Haynesworth Could Face Charges

Grand Jury considering charging him in connection to Dec. accident

Apparently having $100 million (even in this economy) doesn't mean you're above the law.  A Tennessee grand jury is considering charging Albert Haynesworth in connection with a December crash that resulted in a man needing hip replacement surgery.

The victim's lawyer (always an impartial observer, right?) claims that Haynesworth was veering from lane to lane at 100 mph and that when he tried to pass the other driver, he tapped the driver's side of the car, which caused the driver to smash into the concrete median, totaling the car.

At the time, Haynesworth's agent said that Albert did everything right.  He argues that the roads were snowy and slick, and that when he realized what had happened, he pulled over, called police, and didn't leave until the police let him go.  Haynesworth, claims his agent, was unaware that anyone was injured.

If that's the case, then why didn't the police hold him at the scene?  It had to have been obvious that there was a crash a half-mile back down the road.  Was this just another case of "Oh, you're a famous athlete?  Carry on!"?

The other wrinkle for Albert is that he was already on probation for bad driving.  He had a prior incident, where he was charged with driving his black Ferrari at 103 mph (sounds like a pattern!) in a 70 mph zone.  (70 mph zones?  What kind of paradise is that?)

He allegedly never reported the December crash to his probation officer as he should have.

So he faces trouble on two counts.

Meanwhile, if you're driving down 495, and you see a black Ferrari weaving from lane to lane (on the rare times it's not bumper to bumper), watch out!  Albert could be on the prowl.

Chris Needham used to write Capitol Punishment.  He always passes on the left, except in Maryland.

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