A day after the Giants suspended Plaxico Burress for two weeks, the wide receiver and his agent Drew Rosenhaus have requested "an immediate hearing with the NFL Players Association to get Burress reinstated and not have him miss any games."
Apparently, to hear Rosenhaus explain it, there was a "lack of communication" between his client and the Giants. Which is one characterization, I suppose; the organization claims that Burress failed to show up for work on Monday, didn't call to inform anyone of his plans, and didn't answer his phone. Yes, I'd say that's a lack of communication.
But Rosenhaus feels it's not reason enough to suspend Burress, who will lose $235,294 as a result just a few weeks after signing a shiny, new contract.
"There are things that go on in the NFL that are worse that do not lead to suspensions," Rosenhaus said. "This is something that does not sit well with us. We'll do whatever we can to get this turned around."
Burress never showed up at Giants Stadium for a film session and light workout. "He had a responsibility relating to his family. . . he felt it was an emergency," said Rosenhaus, who characterized Burress' never calling the team as "a lack of communication."
Here's a thought: just show up for work. Or, if it's an emergency, phone somebody. That's why you have an agent: to do all the stuff you can't be bothered with, and I think calling in sick applies.
NorthJersey.com reports that police have responded to two domestic disturbance calls at Burress' home the past few months, but couldn't confirmed if that had anything to do with him missing practice Monday.
Whatever, this isn't the first time Burress has gone missing. During his last season in Pittsburgh, he missed a mandatory workout and failed to inform Steelers officials. He later cited family issues as the reason, and while that's all well and good, again, pick up a phone, dude. That's all anybody's asking.