One team already clinched their division and is close to locking down the top spot in the East. The other is mere percentage points from having the worst record in the NBA and securing a top five draft pick.
If you think tonight's prime time match-up between the Wizards and the Cavaliers doesn't mean anything, you're wrong.
These teams don't like each other, and the rivalry has extended from the court, to denizens of the cities involved, to the blogosphere.
What rivalry? The Cavs own the Wizards, you say.
The definition of rivalry doesn't mention anything about wins and losses, despite opinions that define it as such.
And a rivalry doesn't necessarily mean these teams hate each other personally...well, aside from LeBron and DeShawn Stevenson.
But none of this suggests that the Wiz and Cavs don't abhor losing to each other more than to any other team, despite inevitable protests from players that they "treat every game the same."
The intensity on the court, the hype of the fans, the anticipation of LeBron James, soon-to-be (or should be) MVP, versus Gilbert Arenas, the most eccentric player in the game, on his comeback tour, going each and every place with a mic in his hand....that constitutes a rivalry.
Forget NBC's "Comedy Night Done Right"...ok, not really, NBC is a top notch station with "great" shows suchas Medium and The Celebrity Apprentice.
If you want real drama, not the kind scripted on TNT, or reality TV, crap like MTV, or the idiotic TMZ, then you'll be turning into...wait...TNT (oh yea, they "know" drama) at 8 p.m. tonight.
Is it a strong possibility that the Wizards get blown out by more than the 12 point spread? Sure. Is there also a good chance the Wiz eke out a win while the injured DeShawn does his "can't feel my face" dance on the sidelines. You bet.
DVR The Office and 30 Rock, because watching these two teams go at each other is worth the live attention.
Kyle Weidie also writes Truth About It and contributes to Bullets Forever, both Washington Wizards blogs. He "knows" blogging.