The Washington Post did some name-dropping in Tuesday's edition, speculating on who would be the next manager of the Natinals Nationals.
There were some well-known names on the list, including Bobby Valentine, Ned Yost, Jim Fregosi, Terry Pendleton and Bob Melvin.
Yeah, yeah yeah, we're sure all of those guys would give it the old college try -- if they actually wanted to take on the challenge of turning a bad minor-league team into an MLB contender, that is.
But there's one coaching staff already located in D.C. that's been overlooked. They're available, they're willing to work weekends and, best of all, they're winners.
Who are they, you ask? Well, they're none other than the coaches of the NBC4 Peacocks, who just won their second straight Metropolitan Media Softball League title.
The Peacocks, managed by Darren Ziegenbein, Bill Nardi and yours truly, blew out USA Today 11-0 on Sunday and went undefeated in the weekend's double-elimination tourney to capture back-to-back titles.
While the coaching staff is excited about the chance of leading an MMSL squad to the first three-peat in league history in 2010, they would probably be willing to hear to offers from a Major League team -- even the Nats.
So pick up the phone and make that call, Mr. Kasten. We'll be waiting.

Thanks to everyone who played in the MMSL this year for another fun and exciting season!