North Carolina Leery About “State” of Hawaii

States should be attached, gosh darnit!

So maybe it's not just talk radio providing misinformation about certain national issues and creating a firestorm of uneducated debates. Maybe a certain number of our peers just aren't, well ... very bright.

Take this new poll of North Carolina voters, conducted by Public Policy Polling, for example.

The poll showed that a not-very-surprising 26 percent of likely voters in the state do not think President Barack Obama was born in the U.S.  No big deal, as a similar poll done a week earlier in Virginia showed that 24 percent in the Commonwealth didn't think he was.

But what was even more surprising is a question the pollsters threw in about Obama's home state.

The question: Do you consider Hawaii to be part of the United States?

Remarkably, 5 percent of those polled said they didn't think Hawaii was part of the United States. Another 3 percent weren't sure.

Seriously? We haven't been this stunned since we learned there was a New Mexico.


Political news from the U.S. Capitol, White House and around Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia

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Come on people, get your acts together and at least make it look like the U.S. has some gas left in the tank.

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