
Security Lapse Leaks Data From Millions of Verizon Customers

A security researcher says a lapse has exposed data from millions of Verizon customers, leaking names, addresses and personal identification numbers, or PINs.

Verizon Wireless says 6 million customers were affected, but the company says that none of the information made it into the wrong hands. The company says the only person who got access to the data was the researcher who brought the leak to its attention.

The security firm, UpGuard, says the problem stemmed from a cloud server that a third-party vendor had misconfigured.

Gartner analyst Avivah Litan says the issue comes down to human error and it doesn't make sense to blame cloud service providers like Amazon and Google. She says such lapses are likely common, but it's hard to know since we only know what's disclosed.

Copyright The Associated Press
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