โ€Very Singleโ€ Luge Star: Dad's Call for Dates โ€œTook the Cakeโ€ For Parental Embarrassment

Team USA's luge star Tucker West has finished competing in the Olympics, but thanks to his father, the single 18-year-old remains in the limelight

Team USA's luge star Tucker West has finished competing in the Winter Olympics, but thanks to his father, the single 18-year-old remains in the limelight.

On Sunday, Tucker's father,  Brett West, played matchmaker for his son by announcing on live TV that Tucker is "very single." The dating-call out led to a social media uproar; the Team Tucker Facebook page jumped from 1,900 to more than 4,700 fans and thousands of women on Twitter have called out to Tucker using #TeamTucker.

So, was Tucker's dad the best wingman or was his announcement embarrassing? Tucker, who appeared with his dad on NBC's "Today" show this morning to discuss the fallout, says a little bit of both.

"It's the nature of every parent to embarrass their child and he took the cake on this one this year," said Tucker.

Just in time for Valentine's Day, he has received marriage proposals, prom date invites and more.

West finished in 22nd place in the men's luge singles competition on Sunday at the Winter Games in Sochi.

"I'm just so proud of him," Brett West said. "Every parent is so proud of their children when they succeed at something. Tucker's really succeeded."

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