Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly Bury the Hatchet

Donald Trump's feud with Fox News' Megyn Kelly seemed to come to a close Tuesday night with what was less of an apology and more of a let bygones be bygones moment between the two, NBC News reported.

Noting that Kelly was the one who called him to set up the meeting, Trump said, "I have great respect for you that you were able to call me and say, 'Let's get together, let's talk.'"

Earlier in the interview, the Twitter-loving Republican acknowledged that it's the retweets that tend to get him in trouble, calling retweets "more of a killer than the tweets."

Trump attacked Kelly after the first Republican debate when Kelly questioned his derogatory statements about the appearance of women.

He came under fire for saying Kelly had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever," when referring to the way in which she questioned him during the debate.  

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