If you get a piece of mail from the Virginia Department of Taxation, open it right away. It could be a check for as much as $220.
The change in federal tax law backed by the Trump administration in 2017 led to a windfall in state taxes.
The Virginia General Assembly approved refunds of an estimated $430 million to more than 2.7 million taxpayers, the tax office said in a statement.
The Virginia Department of Treasury began mailing the checks on Sept. 16 and expects to finish by Oct. 15. Eligible taxpayers will receive $110 if they filed individually and $220 if they filed jointly.
The Department of Taxation will withhold all or part of the refund for anyone who has an outstanding state tax balance. The department will also withhold refunds to pay debts to local governments, courts, state agencies or the IRS.
You are eligible for the 2019 Tax Relief Refund if you filed a state income tax return by July 1 and have a 2018 tax liability in the state. You can calculate the amount of tax relief refund by looking at your 2018 Virginia individual income tax return. First, the state looks at your tax liability, or what you owe before credits. Then, they deduct the amount of state credit you took, including the Credit for Low Income Individuals, credit for taxes paid to another state or other Virginia credits from Schedule CR tax form.
Go here to learn more about whether you can expect a check.