
Virginia Boy With Special Needs Given Custom Bike

Learning how to ride a bike is a big milestone in a child's life. But that moment doesn't come easy for a boy in Fairfax County, Virginia.

Caleb Elston was born with autism and a genetic disease called tuberous sclerosis complex. His body develops tumors on his heart, brain and skin. 

Raising a child with an illness can be a lot for parents and siblings. For Caleb's mother, Kristi Elston, it hit home when Caleb's sister came home with an invitation to a birthday party.

"And she immediately looked at me with her filled eyes and said, 'Mom, will Caleb ever be invited to a birthday party?'" Elston said.

On Tuesday, the Safeway Foundation and nonprofit Preston's March for Energy gave Caleb a brand-new bike made just for him for his 7th birthday.

"I did it!" Caleb said while sitting on the bike.

Caleb's family hopes he will be able to learn how to ride the bike soon.

"It's like a developmental milestone, riding a bike," Elston said.

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