Prince William County police arrested one of two suspects in a series of burglaries in the Lake Ridge community.
Jason Thomas Blake, 29, of Woodbridge, Va., was charged with two counts of burglary, three counts of grand larceny, three counts of destruction of property, one count of obtaining money false pretenses, one count of possession of a schedule I or II narcotic, one count of narcotic distribution and one conut of contempt of court from a previous warrant.
Since Dec. 16, police believe one or two men robbed at least 12 homes within a two-mile radius of each other in Lake Ridge. Victims have lost a total of more than $60,000in valuables.
Police said in most of these cases, the burglars strike during the day and are not going through the front door, instead going around back and finding a utility door to kick in. But authorities said the burglars have also been picking up bricks and rocks to throw through glass sliding doors.
Blake is being held without bond. He is scheduled to appear in court on Feb. 2.